Store information
Store information
COMATEC Packaging
Boulevard François-Xavier Fafeur
11000 Carcassonne
Boulevard François-Xavier Fafeur
11000 Carcassonne
Call us:
+ 33 468 11 27 95
+ 33 468 11 27 95
Comatec Company
Headquarters: ZI Lannolier, Bd. François-Xavier Fafeur
11000 Carcassonne, France
APE: 4669C
SIRET: 551 850 324 00049
Share Capital: €122,000
Oxygène Building, Building B
1401 Avenue du Mondial 98
34000 Montpellier
80 Allée d'Iéna, 11000 Carcassonne
04 68 11 46 28 /
Video: Atome Films
Photos: Victor Bello Barcelone, Barry Callebaut, Ludo Charles, Stéphane Couchet, Christophe Fouquin, Nathalie Gayda, Lucas Gurdjan, Images et Associé, Istockphoto, Brigitte Langlais, Walter Lupano, Marie Ormières, Pexels, Candice Rousset, Shutterstock, Spatule Prod, Richard Sprang, Maciej Stankiewicz, Studio Ze.
Chefs©: Benjamin Authié, Thierry Bouvier, Eizmendi Traiteur, Frédéric Jaunault
In accordance with French Law No. 78-17 on Information Technology, Data Files, and Civil Liberties dated January 6, 1978, users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information at any time. Requests can be sent via mail to:
Comatec Headquarters
ZI Lannolier, Bd. François-Xavier Fafeur,
11000 Carcassonne, France.
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